Cant Sleep! Over thinkers Worst Nightmare

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I am an over thinker, and this at times makes me a very bad kind of pessimist. So when im trying to sleep at night and i cant i go into over thinking mode. So here is a list of what i tend to think about

  1. Money – Will i run out of money this month? Can i pay my bills, can i treat my girlfriend.
  2. Friends – Do people fake like me, are they just keeping me happy by saying they are my friends.
  3. Social Media – Why do people feel the need to broadcast their entire personal life over a facebook status. Why cant i seem to make new friends online when i share the same interests.
  4. Emotions – Am i as emotionless as my girlfriend makes out? What can i do to help improve this?
  5. 2009 – Yeah i still think a lot about this damn year.
  6. Geocaching – Where can i visit next to fond another cache. If i looked harder i could have found that cache today, i want to go there now and find it.
  7. University – I hate it, im not an academic person, i hate how un-organised it feels, i hate that i cant be a social worker because i cant write a very good essay on the history of policy.
  8. Age – Am i really 31? I cant believe im 32 this year, next month. That leaves me another 30+ years for a with while career. And the last 31 years have gone far to quickly.
  9. Football Association – How would i run English football, what would i implement, i know i would annoy a lot of football fans and football clubs.
  10. Death – Not afraid of dying but i do wonder who would turn up at my funeral if i were to drop dead now.

So yeah a mixture of stuff really, mainly negative, such a glass is half empty kind of fella. But i will say a lot of the negative thoughts have stopped since i have been Grace. So she has her uses bless her. Sometimes the over thinking can help because i can get to the root of some of my issues, and it gives me ideas to stick in my blog, because of last night i have three more blog entries i can put up. So watch this space for Elisha Cuthbert, the Football Association and the perks of being average.

Hello Geo-caching my old friend


So recently i have got back into Geo-caching. This is mainly due to my friend in Brighton posting a picture saying she found her first one, and somebody on my uni course has just started doing it. What is Geo-caching you say? Well to put it simply its like a treasure hunt, you are given coordinates and a clue as to where this item is, when you find it you record your name in the log book and put it back in the box in the same place for the next person to find. The majority of people i have explained to have given me that “oh Jay your being weird again ” look. But its such good fun, and the feeling you get when you find the cache is exciting. I have introduced Geo-caching to my girlfriend Grace who is now hooked. I was originally introduced to it back in late 2009 by my friend Phil, who had been doing it 2 years previous. One grotty winter morning myself and friend David (blog can be seen here decided to go out and do it ourselves and find our first cache. After a couple of hours we found our first one and it was awesome, we took a picture to celebrate this moment (see above picture). After this we were hooked for a while until we took another friend and he said it was boring. During this time i had a lot of fun, going to new places, getting dirty, walking in the countryside it was all very nice, and this was another appealing factor of Geo-caching.

One of my favourate moments was around Christmas time, wanted to spend some time away from work so myself David, Phil and another friend Matt decided to go for a cache hunt in some woods. When we arrived we had to park up and cross a field, didnt look to muddy. When we were actually on the field it was horrendous, myself and Matt wore trainers which was a terrible idea, we had to support each other through the mud, trainers kept coming off, it was funny, and added nearly 30 minutes to a 10 minute walk.


The bit that cracks me up is on the way back. David got attached to a very large branch which he used as a walking stick. Instead of going through the field myself and Phil decided to go the “long way” because it consisted of roads. David wanted to go through the field, i said it would be quicker to go the long way, David disagreed with me like he commonly does, and still wanted to do the field. So we decided to “race”, Matt being the supportive friend that he is decided to stay with David. The race was on. We were on the home stretch with no sign of David and Matt, then all of a sudden in the distance we see a small ginger figure clambering through the mud and dirt, the only way i can describe this vision is, imagine Gollum running, that is what we saw. There was no sign of Matt. David did eventually beat us but my concern was Matt, David went on to tell us that he tossed him the big stick and then cut him loose so he could win the race. 5 minutes pass, we are starting to get a bit ore worried, then in the horizon is a small figure holding a big stick walking through the mud and dirt. I couldn’t stop laughing, and to this day its one of my favourate life moments.


Anyone can do Geo-caching, all you need is a GPS which comes as standard with smart phones. You can download the app for free (it is limited but still very good). You can get the majority of caches from the website and find out more information about it. And one think i will say is you will be surprised as to how many caches are in your area, i was shocked. So yeah give it a go, whats the worst that could happen?
