Salary CAPS?!! How much is to much?


I dont know the ins and outs of the economy but i do know you need to spend to make money, thats right yeah? What i am suggesting is communism or a form of. Could this country not introduce a salary cap? It got me to thinking in regards to the infamous Mid-Staffordshire hospital abuse scandal. If you  are unfamiliar with the story basically, patients were subject to poor conditions, poor care and misdiagnoses by staff, this was happening for at least 50 months between January 2005 and March. It is estimated between 400-1200 patients died due to poor care ( Why was it happening? Common theme in most workplaces at the moment is staff shortages, and low moral, which go hand in hand with each other. But also like of compassion shown by staff which can also be linked to the low morale and staff shortage.


So keep in this mind when i tell you the salary of the the manager, it was rumored that the manager was on at least £325,000 per year. Does someone really need to get paid this much money? Even if he was one £100,000 a year that would still leave £225,000 to spend on staff and improving condition’s. These days it seems we have managers who need to report to their manager who report to their manager who reports to the higher ups, do we need all these managers. Its the same with colleges and university’s, the chiefs are earning fiver figure salary’s while tuition fees increase and staff is short. (

I can continue my point but i think you all get the idea (dont start me on footballers and politicians). Would a salary cap be more beneficial for our economy? It begs a lot of questions, how much would the cap be? What about people who are self employed? Like all systems its flawed, there is no perfect system but surely most things are better than this? I guess its something to think about, and if i had it my way and this was Jay’s Britain my salary cap would be set at £80,000. Feel free to respond and offer your arguments, im intrigued what people have to say.